Inspirational Houseplant Quotes

10 Inspirational Houseplant Quotes (With Photos)

Are you inspired by houseplant quotes? I sure am, so I’ve put together my ten very favorite ones to share with you and spark some joy!

Caring for houseplants is such a rewarding hobby. Reading houseplant quotes always inspires me to take even better care of my plant babies, and remember how much enjoyment houseplants provide.

I’ve illustrated each of these houseplant quotes with a photo, perfect for saving to your houseplants Pinterest board.

I hope you enjoy these quotes as much as I do. Use your favorites for scrapbooking, journaling, and Instagram captions, or just for inspiration to appreciate your houseplants even more!

Looking for quotes about outdoor plants? Also check out my Inspirational Gardening Quotes!

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1. “A beautiful plant is like having a friend around the house.” — Beth Ditto

Beth Ditto (1981-) is an American singer-songwriter, actor, model, and fashion designer, best known for fronting the band Gossip from 1999 until 2016.

2. “Plants give us oxygen for the lungs and for the soul.” — Terri Guillemets

Terri Guillemets (1973-) is an American quote archivist who has been collecting quotes since she was a young teenager.

3. “My green thumb came only as a result of the mistakes I made while learning to see things from the plant’s point of view.” — H. Fred Dale

H.Fred Dale (1924-1994) was a Canadian gardening writer, notable for his longtime work at the Toronto Star. He was also the author of Fred Dale’s Garden Book (1972).

4. “I thought I was pretty cool until I realized plants can eat the sun and poop out air.” — Jim Bugg

Jim Bugg is a Canadian self-described “marketer, designer, entrepreneur, musician, comedian, optimist, believer”.

5. “Plants want to grow; they are on your side as long as you are reasonably sensible.” — Anne Wareham

Anne Wareham is a Welsh gardener and garden writer who has contributed to the Financial Times as well as gardening publications including The English Garden and Gardens Illustrated. Anne is also the author of several gardening books.

6. “Plants are like people: they’re all different and a little bit strange.” — John Kehoe

John Kehoe is a Canadian author and personal development teacher, best known for his 1987 bestselling book Mind Power.

7. “Like people, plants respond to extra attention.” — H. Peter Loewer

H. Peter Loewer (1934-) is an American gardener, artist, journalist, and writer. Loewer was also the host of the television series The Wild Gardener.

8. “Plants cry their gratitude for the sun in green joy.” — Terri Guillemets

Terri Guillemets (1973-) is an American quote archivist who has been collecting quotes since she was a young teenager.

9. “Just because you’ve only got houseplants doesn’t mean you don’t have the gardening spirit — I look upon myself as an indoor gardener.” — Sara Moss-Wolfe

Sara Moss-Wolfe is a pseudonym for Terri Guillemets, the quotation archivist. She has penned many quotes under dozens of pseudonyms throughout her life.

10. “Where flowers bloom, so does hope.” — Lady Bird Johnson

Claudia Alta “Lady Bird” Johnson (1912-2007) was First Lady of the United States from 1963 to 1969. She was an advocate for beautifying American cities and highways, and the 1965 Highway Beautification Act is known as “Lady Bird’s Bill”.

What’s your favorite quote about houseplants? Share it in the comments below (and let us know if you have any other inspirational houseplant quotes we might have missed!)

You may also like: Inspirational Gardening Quotes (With Photos)

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  1. I love this list of quotes about houseplants! I just started indoor gardening with succulents because I’m afraid I don’t have a green thumb. What plant do you suggest is best for beginners?

    1. Hi Elizabeth, my favorite beginner plant I recommend is pothos. It does well in low to bright indirect light, and you just give it a good soaking when the soil is dry. Plus it grows fast, and you can root cuttings in water to make more plants! You mentioned you just started with succulents – they’re just a little bit more difficult because you have to get the watering right. Lots of people overwater (or completely forget about) their succulents. You might like my post How to Water Succulents in Containers for practical tips on caring for them :)

  2. I really love these quotes. I’m a big fan of houseplants. It sort of looks like a jungle in my house. LOL

    1. Hi Ben, I’m glad you enjoyed the houseplant quotes! I can totally relate to having a house that looks like a jungle :D

  3. I love houseplants. They add such a great vibe to the home. These are great quotes.

    1. Colleen, I agree – houseplants do add such a great vibe! Glad you liked the houseplant quotes I chose :)

  4. I love these houseplant quotes! The quote about blooms and hope is my favorite one. That one really touches my spirit.

    1. Claudia, I love that quote too! I’m happy you enjoyed reading these houseplant quotes :)

  5. What nice houseplant quotes! I wish I had a green thumb.

    1. Hi Cinny, I bet you have a green thumb and don’t even know it! Start with some easy-care houseplants and you’ll gain houseplant confidence :)

  6. Kuntala Bhattacharya says:

    These houseplant quotes are so good and lively. I especially liked the ones which focused on human touch and how plants synch with human lives.

    1. Hi Kuntala, I’m thrilled that you enjoyed the houseplant quotes! Thanks for reading :)

  7. So sweet. I love the quotes. My favorite one is from H. Peter Loewer: “Like people, plants respond to extra attention.”

    1. Hi Yudith, I love that quote, too! :D Everyone (and every plant) thrives when you learn their needs, right?

  8. I enjoyed reading the houseplants quotes. Thank you for sharing!

    1. Hi Selma, so happy you liked the houseplant quotes I chose. Thanks for reading!

  9. Steven Morrissette says:

    I love quotes. I never thought of plant quotes. MY favorite one is: “I thought I was pretty cool until I realized plants can eat the sun and poop out air.”

    1. Steven, isn’t that a great quote? I laughed out loud when I first heard it :D

  10. I can really resonate with this quote – “My green thumb came only as a result of the mistakes I made while learning to see things from the plant’s point of view.” It’s so beautiful! Thanks for this inspiring list of houseplant quotes!

    1. Hi Emman, I love that quote, too! It’s so true that plants will usually thrive if you just find out what they need, and then give it to them :D

  11. These are so inspiring! I’m going to have to get a houseplant soon!

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